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Everything you should know about Brucellosis

While the planet continues to suffer from the coronavirus pandemic that's said to possess originated in China, an epidemic of another disease called Brucellosis has infected over 3000 people in north-east China.

The outbreak of the bacterial disease is claimed to possess been caused by a leak at a biopharmaceutical company last year, authorities said last week.

What is Brucellosis?
Brucellosis is an communicable disease caused by bacteria from the livestock which may also infect humans. People can get the disease once they are in touch with infected animals or animal products contaminated with the bacteria. Animals that are most ordinarily infected include sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, and dogs, among others.

Symtoms of Brucellosis
The disease Brucellosis, also referred to as brucellosis or brucellosis , can cause symptoms including headaches, muscle pain, fever and fatigue.

While some symptoms can become serious or never get away , like arthritis or swelling in certain organs.

A report in South China Morning Post quoted Zhu Guoqiang, a professor at Yangzhou University’s College of medicine saying that in serious cases, brucellosis could cause lasting damage to the genital system . 

"This bacteria can make men infertile, If not treated properly" he said.

Human-to-human transmission is extremely rare, according to the CDC. Instead, most of the people are infected by eating contaminated food or inhaling the bacteria -- which seems to be the case in Lanzhou.

Cause of the outbreak
This outbreak began from a leak at the Zhongmu Lanzhou biological pharmaceutical factory, which occurred between late July to late August last year, according to the city's Health Commission.

While producing Brucella vaccines for animal use, the factory used expired disinfectants and sanitizers -- meaning not all bacteria were eradicated within the waste gas.

This contaminated waste gas formed aerosols that contained the bacteria -- and leaked into the air, carried by the wind right right right down to the Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, where the outbreak first hit.

In the months after the outbreak, provincial and municipal officials launched an investigation into the leak at the factory, consistent with the Lanzhou Health Commission.

Authorities had revoked vaccine production licenses by January for the plant and withdrew product approval numbers for its two Brucellosis vaccines. an entire of seven veterinary drug product approval numbers were also cancelled within the factory.

In February, the factory issued a public apology and said it had "severely punished" eight folks that were determined as responsible for the incident.


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